Indian Netaji

As closer approaching is election
Netaji seems taking more tention
even facing charges of corruption
trying to boost his best perfection.

Daily he leads a massive crowd
mob shouting slogans very loud
requesting public to vote for him
smiles Netaji feeling very proud.

Roads be built aftermath elected
law order will never be affected
zero tolerance against every crime
urges Netaji his dream subjected.

Though every public is his pastor
post poll he becomes real master
the complexity bond between two
how to solve this relational disaster.

New Neta comes in every election
hypes lie attracting public sensation
rewards same with scam & scandals
as fashion before upcoming election.

What Netaji must give to his public
good governance and equal justice
avail peace prevalent in society and
hold integrity of democratic republic.


Note : this is mine first ever ‘political poem in english’.